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The dignity of the human person in the plan of God
Anna Fratta

Reflections on medical and Trinitarian anthropology
Flavia Caretta

The world of health today and the spirituality of unity
Flavia Caretta

The contents of the world of health and its expressions
Teresa Filippi

Health: repercussions in social and cultural life
Cristina Canavese

The Bukas Palad Foundation - Manila:
an answer to health needs in the prospective of the Gospel
Ray Calimlim Cubillas

Patient centered approach: an experience from South Africa
Lino Di Mattia

Relationship among health workers as priority methodology to ensure quality assistance
Mario D ‘Astuto

Health related interventions of New Humanity at the United Nations
Joseph Klock

An experience of collaboration with the WHO

Life as a value, foundation of society

A training project in Brazilia

Alert: the promotion of a new culture of life in Belgium
Marc Cortens, Marc Eneman

Eutanasia: Health, ethics and politics in dialogue
Elly Lammers

Alternative proposals to euthanasia
Ann-Marie Diggins

Support to life that grows

The elderly as a resource for a united world
Anna Bevilacqua

The concept of integration in the Italian Health Plan for 1998-2000
Antonio Bavazzano

Formation as an instrument of cultural change for health workers
Massimo Petrini

Uruguay: a society for all ages
Ana Maria Abot, Selso Lima

The International Year of the Elderly in the perspective of unity
Emilie Christie

A society where disability is not a handicap
Renzo Andrich, Giovanni Guandalini

Prisma Study Center: education to autonomy in relationship with others
Giuseppe Porqueddu

The spiritualit of unity in the professional methodology
Jean Marie Drouard

Collaboration as a professional challenge
Maria Assunta Gabrielli

An experience of social and health integration
Anna Maria Prandi