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Paralympics a source of inspiration and hope

Le donne afgane esistono. Together we stand!

EoF lancia una marcia globale. Le donne e le bambine afgane sono di nuovo schiave, private di diritti e di libertà.
Escape from the cities (and back)

We will go and live in the country, we will all work from home, we will stop meeting in public places: perhaps as a reaction to the uncertainty we are experiencing, the debates on the cities that will come after the pandemic are a kaleidoscope of utopian scenarios.
Mental health and Integration

Provision for supporting people with mental illness: A comparison of 30 european countries
The identity of the person with dementia

Nearly 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. According to current forecasts, by the year 2050,
Auguri di Buone Feste

Fighting the loneliness epidemic

The former U.S. surgeon general and others encourage ways to address the risks of social isolation. Moments of tragedy are often times
Summer School Barcellona 2018

"L'arte della cura oggi: professionisti sanitari in dialogo". Se sei uno studente di materie biomediche o un giovane professionista, avrai senz'altro iniziato a confrontarti con le tante domande che oggi, più che in passato, tutti noi che operiamo nel mondo della salute ci poniamo.
God is close to those who suffer
From a conference call by the Founder of the Focolare Movement at Christmas 1986 in which Chiara Lubich encouraged everyone to remember people who were on their own, ill, or suffering spiritually and help them offer their suffering as a precious gift to the Child born in Bethlehem.